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Urannah Renewable Energy Hub one step closer

Urannah Renewable Energy Hub welcomed the announcement from Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack that the Federal Government will deliver $2 million for the Urannah Renewable Energy Hub as part of the Federal Government’s plan to secure energy affordability for commercial and industrial users.

Renewable Energy Partners CEO and Urannah Renewable Energy Hub Project Manager Luke McDonald welcomed the announcement, which is being delivered in collaboration with the Urannah Water Scheme to deliver water security and cleaner cheaper energy in a truly unique project for North Queensland.

“The Urannah Renewable Energy Hub will be a true battery for North Queensland and will deliver large scale renewable energy to reduce power prices in North Queensland.”

“Our Hub will include a 1.5GW pumped hydro with a seven hour storage capacity, 1.3 GW solar, 500 MW wind and we are currently investigating the co-location of a 200MW hydrogen electrolyser to support export scale hydrogen production.”

“Our initial studies have already shown that our site is well suited for solar generation, the topography is ideal for the construction of a large-scale wind farm and a recent study by the Australian Energy Market Operator has confirmed the need for more large pumped hydro facilities in Queensland.”

“We look forward to continuing to work with the Federal Government and the Urannah Water Scheme to deliver cheaper renewable energy for North Queensland.”

Urannah Water Scheme CEO Kerry Huston congratulated project partners, the Urannah Renewable Energy Hub, on a significant step towards getting the project shovel ready.

“Co-located with the Urannah Dam, the Urannah Renewable Energy Hub is in an ideal position for pumped hydro energy storage with close proximity to the grid, co-location with the lower reservoir and hydrology and topography that will allow for maximum rainfall capture and utilise the height of the dam wall.

“Our combined projects will deliver water security for North Queensland and reliable disputable supply during the transition of Queensland’s economy from fossil fuelled powered generation to renewables.”

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