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Pledge to Support Urannah Dam

CEO of Bowen River Utilities James Benjamin today announced the start of the “Support Urannah” campaign in the lead up to the 2022 Federal Election.

“Our nation building projects will create thousands of jobs, deliver much needed water security, provide affordable and reliable energy and diversify the local economy”, said CEO James Benjamin.

“We have been overwhelmed with the bi-partisan government and community support we have received since commencing the community consultation for our, now complete, Detailed Business Case and our ongoing Environmental Impact Studies.”

“Last week we wrote to confirmed candidates for Dawson and Capricornia as well as many of those seeking re-election in the Senate and asked them to commit to supporting the progression of the nation building and job creating Urannah Dam project.”

Mr Benjamin said locals in the Greater Whitsunday Region want jobs, water security, more affordable energy and a diversified economy; all of this and more will be delivered by our projects.

“Thank you to Michelle Landry MP who has already demonstrated her ongoing commitment to our projects and support for jobs with a Facebook post of her signing our Support Urannah poster.”

“Locals in the Greater Whitsunday Region will be seeing a lot more about our #buildurannah campaign in the coming weeks and should get in touch with us directly if they want to support us with a sticker on their car or poster in their business.”

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